The Periodic Tables of African Americans and Women in History use the format of the classic Periodic Table of Chemical Elements to create lists of African Americans and Women in History who have helped to shape this country and the world. Who to list and who to omit was a very difficult decision, though at some point, I just had to make a decision. The 120 people featured on each T-shirt, poster, and booklet are by no means meant to be a complete list. It is meant to be a conversational piece and a continuation of recognizing the impact African Americans and Women in History have made and are making.
This simple yet effective product presents information in a fun way for people of all ages to learn something new. The front of the T-shirt features faces with numbers beside them. The back has numbers that correspond with the faces on the front so that you can put a face with the name. The booklet was created to give a bit more information about the people featured on the T-shirt all in one location. The shirt is like walking around with a book on.
Select below to view the available products.
Feel free to make your own list of people who you think should be recognized. Should you have questions, feel free to email me at [email protected].
Thank you for your support of this project.
Floyd Stokes